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The King of Fighters '98

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Mortal Kombat 11

MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Alle 16:40



Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

UMVC3 7110さんと30本

Ultra Street Fighter IV


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[24/7 Fighting Games] Guilty Gear +R, Jojo HFTF, SvC Chaos, Super Puzzle Fighter, KoF XI, and Rage of the Dragons

Fighting Games Combos Data Base

By OldManDan

Hello, I created a Fighting Games Combos Data Base ( Right now only SFV and SF6. You can search for example, which is the best combo you can perform in SF6 playing with Lili with one Super bar and three Drive bars. I plan to add 2xKO soon and depending if the people use it add more games or...

exA-Arcadia & eigoMANGA dispute rights to Vanguard Princess, a game neither of them produced

By nbisbo

The guy saying that the website says its illegal is lying the site does not say that or anything at all past 2011 and the jank "dlc" is just the publisher modding the game because the og dev washed his hands of the game. The rest of the claims are not and never have been sourced and strike me as cope

Anyone want to play RBFFS?

By StoneGreninja

Anyone want to play Fatal Fury on fightcade but with plane switching? That's Real Bout Fatal Fury Special. Looking for someone who won't tease me for losing or be aggressive if I win.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 General Thread

By StoneGreninja

I was under the impression that even the high mid tiers would get rolled over by the four gods. I don't play because I want to use Felicia, Psylocke, and another character I don't recall at this moment.

Virtua Fighter series Thread

By StoneGreninja

Does Virtua Fighter 2 hold up?

Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Thread

By StoneGreninja

What do you think about CVS2? Does it hold up competitively in addition to casually?

SF6 Player Introduction Thread

By Taliheim

SF6 Player Introduction Thread Saw the version for ST that @NyxVega made and... yeah, it's an incredible idea. Introduce yourself, not as a forum member, but as an SF6 player! Your in-game name, the times you usually play, your rank(s), which characters you play, which platform you're on, what strategies and tactics you enjoy... even your avatar fighter move...

SF6 Metagame Discussion Thread

By Taliheim

SF6 Metagame Discussion Thread A thread to discuss any thoughts or observed metagame trends, like surges or dips in character popularity, new potential strategies and tactics, potential counterpicks to currently top-tier characters, and anything else that may change the overall user experience on the gameplay side! Official usage statistics: Official winrate/matchup statistics...

SF6 Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

By Taliheim

Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer Seems like a good first thread to start with. The premise is what it says on the tin: ask a simple SF6-related question, get a simple answer! Just make sure to do a sanity check with the Wiki and a search engine, in case an answer's already easily accessible. When answering...