Code of Conduct

SuperCombo and the services provided by our organization (including but not limited to Forums, Wiki and Discord server) follow the Fighting Game Code of Conduct. This document is viewable at A list of objectives and conduct violations will be copied on this page. Disciplinary action may vary between services, but violations during the use of a particular service can incur action related to other services.


2.1. OBJECTIVES. This Code of Conduct is guided by the following intentions, which we’re calling the Objectives:
2.1.1. INCLUSIVITY. The Inclusivity Objective states that this Code of Conduct is intended to make the FGC a safe and inclusive experience now and in the future in which everyone feels welcomed regardless of race, color, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual or romantic orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, neurodiversity, body size, pregnancy or maternity, citizenship, or any other personal characteristics.
2.1.2. INTEGRITY. The Integrity Objective states that this Code of Conduct is intended to maintain and build integrity in the FGC through consistent and diverse leadership, fair tournament operations, and equitable Community Spaces.
2.1.3. AUTHENTICITY. The Authenticity Objective states that this Code of Conduct is intended to pursue the above goals of Inclusivity and Integrity while preserving Authenticity in the FGC’s unique feel, exciting fun, trash-talking spirit, and dedication to competition.
2.2. CRITERIA. The Disciplinary Process will be conducted with the following guidelines in mind, which we’re calling the Criteria:
2.2.1. OBJECTIVES. The entire disciplinary action and Recommendation process, from intake to investigations to final decisions, will be informed and guided by the Objectives.
2.2.2. LOCATION. Recommendations may be made regardless of where any Violations take place, including not just in Community Spaces but also in-venue areas, hotel rooms, private homes, bars and clubs, social media, public chat platforms and forums, other websites, and so on. However, due to potential privacy concerns, the CoC Team will not accept and will not make any decisions based on any private communications like text messages or direct messages.
2.2.3. TIME. The CoC Team may make Recommendations under this Code of Conduct for Violations committed by Participants before this Code of Conduct was first adopted, as long as those Violations are part of an ongoing pattern that indicates that a Participant is likely to engage in more Violations in the future.
2.2.4. EXCUSES. Violations will not be excused just because Participants may have committed them under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any altered state of mind.
2.2.5. STANDARDS. This Code of Conduct doesn’t replace the legal system and can’t produce decisions as severe as those of the legal system. As a result, the Disciplinary Process should not and will not be bound by the standards and processes that might apply in a court of law. Recommendations will be based on the CoC Team’s reasonable understanding of the facts of each case.
2.2.6. CONSISTENCY. The Disciplinary Process and Recommendations are intended to be consistent and foreseeable enough that Participants should expect to face consequences for Violations. That said, no two situations are the same, and different cases may have different outcomes.
2.2.7. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. When any person who would normally participate in the Disciplinary Process is confronted with a case involving any of their family members, close friends, romantic or sexual partners, or business partners, they will let the CoC Team know about that conflict of interest and withdraw themselves from any role in that case.


3.1. LIST OF VIOLATIONS. The Violations of this Code of Conduct include:
3.1.1. Engaging in the assault, battery, physical harassment or abuse, or any other physical contact with any other person without their consent.
3.1.2. Engaging in malicious bullying, baiting, trolling, or other non-physical harassment or abuse that rises to a level beyond commonly accepted FGC trash talking.
3.1.3. Using or threatening to use a deadly or dangerous weapon except in reasonable defensive situations.
3.1.4. Pestering or stalking any other person or otherwise not respecting any other person’s reasonable desire to be left alone.
3.1.5. Taking photographs of or recording any other person without their consent or Backer authorization.
3.1.6. Engaging in discriminatory or hateful statements or behavior, including any based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, sex, sexual or romantic orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, neurodiversity, body size, or any other personal characteristics.
3.1.7. Intentionally outing any other person’s sexual orientation, gender, or other identities without their consent.
3.1.8. Intentionally causing fear or distress in or maliciously abusing power over any other person.
3.1.9. Disclosing confidential information or media, doxxing or sharing any personally identifiable information, or violating any other person’s reasonable expectation of privacy.
3.1.10. Intentionally entering off-limit areas in Community Spaces.
3.1.11. DDOSing, swatting, spreading malware, phishing, hacking into any other person’s accounts, or intentionally, recklessly, or negligently damaging, tampering with, or interfering with any other person’s property, platform, equipment, other possessions, or network connection.
3.1.12. Scamming or engaging in fraud, impersonation, or defamatory statements or behavior against any other person.
3.1.13. Tampering with a tournament, fixing any match or bracket, colluding, entering multiple times in a single tournament, substituting or being substituted for any other player mid-tournament or without good faith permission from the organizer, using disallowed game code exploits, or any other unsportsmanlike conduct or conduct that violates commonly accepted FGC tournament etiquette.
3.1.14. Stealing, misappropriating, mishandling, or misrepresenting the amounts or uses of entry fees, prize pots, hotel or other lodging fees, viewer or other donations, or any other person’s money.
3.1.15. Creating a nuisance or hazard by neglecting personal hygiene, refusing to take appropriate hygienic or medical precautions, or engaging in or encouraging others to commit any hygienically or medically unsafe behavior.
3.1.16. Failing to abide by any applicable Third Party Rules.
3.1.17. Advocating for, encouraging, being an accomplice to, or threatening to engage in any potential Violations.
3.1.18. Evading or attempting to evade any disciplinary action taken under this Code of Conduct.
3.2. UNDERAGED PARTICIPANTS. Any Participant under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult guardian when attending an in-person Community Space. Standards of behavior will be higher with or around anyone under the age of 18, meaning behavior that may not otherwise amount to Violations may be treated as Violations if the target is under 18. Anyone under the local age of majority will be deemed unable to consent, including to sexual activity.
3.3. OTHER VIOLATIONS. This list of Violations isn’t exhaustive. Any other behavior that goes against commonly accepted FGC standards or norms or any of the Objectives may violate this Code of Conduct as well.

General Content Policy

  • By uploading or transcribing information to SuperCombo services you assert that you have the rights to do so.
    • Do not distribute copyrighted content that is otherwise unavailable and promotion of the ability to do so is strictly forbidden on any service.
    • Likewise by sharing information through our services such as Forums or Wiki you are asserting that your work falls under Fair Use or that you have permission to do so.
    • Staff reserve the right to remove any content at the request of copyright holders or as deemed necessary by the organization.
  • The following types of content are prohibited from being uploaded to SuperCombo services:
    • Pornographic content
    • Sexually explicit, shocking, or grotesque content that is not relevant to the Fighting Game Community.
    • Information relevant to the proliferation of cryptocurrencies or multi-level marketing / Ponzi schemes.

The privacy of your content is governed by the SuperCombo privacy policy. No services provided by SuperCombo provide end-to-end secure communications.

  • For any questions or concerns about the content of this page, you are encouraged to send an email to [email protected] and await a response.
  • Appeals of disciplinary actions taken by SuperCombo staff must be sent to [email protected].